Every country I go people struggle to pronounce my name. On introductions the inevitable question "Whats your name?" And the reply of course "Gracie".
This is often met by a moment of silence before the confused person clarifies "Crazy? Your name is Crazy?"
No, Gracie, with a G as in... (insert word of local language that starts with G) ...But you can call me Crazy!
Here in South America I am Gracia, Graciella or La Chica Loca.
Last night this crazy girl got herself some tango. We visited the local milonga where people gather in a plaza to dance every weekend. The evening attracts all types; elegant elderly couples who are keeping the romance alive, young couples, basically coupling on the dancefloor, pros, decked out in spangles and glitter with hats and high high heels on the cobblestones.
Young peruvians sell beautiful handmade jewelry and people gather from all over to enjoy the spectacle, music and energy in the air. This is a city that doesn´t sleep.
I attempted to learn a few basics off a local. I am quite pigeon toed and generally not very coordinated but nothing was going to stop me! A great final night in this beautiful city.
Next stop Puerto Iguazu and the spectacular falls.
This is often met by a moment of silence before the confused person clarifies "Crazy? Your name is Crazy?"
No, Gracie, with a G as in... (insert word of local language that starts with G) ...But you can call me Crazy!
Here in South America I am Gracia, Graciella or La Chica Loca.
Last night this crazy girl got herself some tango. We visited the local milonga where people gather in a plaza to dance every weekend. The evening attracts all types; elegant elderly couples who are keeping the romance alive, young couples, basically coupling on the dancefloor, pros, decked out in spangles and glitter with hats and high high heels on the cobblestones.
Young peruvians sell beautiful handmade jewelry and people gather from all over to enjoy the spectacle, music and energy in the air. This is a city that doesn´t sleep.
I attempted to learn a few basics off a local. I am quite pigeon toed and generally not very coordinated but nothing was going to stop me! A great final night in this beautiful city.
Next stop Puerto Iguazu and the spectacular falls.
Hey Tracy, ex-Hubbles Yard, I'm printing your updates to show Eleanor and Fabio. Eleanor swears you should be a writer 'cos your singing is so bad. Love from all of us, Kat x
Big love to all at Hubbles! I miss coffee!
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